This checklist guides transport policy makers and project managers to include gender considerations throughout a transport policy or project lifecycle. The questions reflect various stages of a transport policy or project timeline, including analysis, identification and collection of data and indicators, outcomes, budget, stakeholder participation, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Responding to these self-assessment questions in the checklist will improve the understanding of the following questions, while raising awareness of gender equality in transport and supporting the mainstreaming of gender in transport policies and projects.
The checklist helps to evaluate the gender considerations of a policy or project, whilen providing a gender equality score as a benchmark for assessing the gender inclusiveness of your policy or project. If potential impacts on gender equality are applicable to your project or policy, a maximum score of 10 points is possible. If no impacts on gender are applicable, your maximum possible score is 3 points, which indicates that gender equality is considered to the extent possible.
indicates that there is opportunity to take further action in integrating a gender lens in your work, where it is relevant.
indicates that your project considers gender equality, but has some room for improvement.
A score higher than 8 points indicates that your project or policy mainstreams gender in its design and implementation.
Women and men do not benefit equally from public investments. Both genders have diverse needs and use infrastructure differently depending on their social roles, economic status or preferences. Women and men also face different challenges in terms of poverty, unemployment, safety, wellbeing, economic and political empowerment.